On Friday 3 November, Victoria Prentis MP supported the Second Reading of Steve Reed’s Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Bill, also known as Seni’s Law.
During the course of her speech, Victoria praised a number of local groups who provide vital support to members of the community. She spoke about the comprehensive range of services provided by the Heyford and Bicester Veterans Group in partnership with both local and national organisations, including drop-in advice sessions with Help for Heroes, the Royal British Legion and others. Victoria also mentioned Restore, a mental health charity she visited recently in Banbury, and the local branch of Mind, who encouraged her to speak in the debate when they met in September.
Speaking afterwards, Victoria said: “Having visited a number of local mental health charities in recent months, I was keen to speak in the debate to emphasise the good work they are all doing. It is clear that we are very fortunate to have such a broad range of groups and charities run by dedicated volunteers. The Government is committed to improving mental health provision and launched a review into the outdated Mental Health Act last month. It is an extremely important area of reform, and I welcomed the opportunity to support this Bill, particularly after so many constituents had contacted me about it.”