Following news earlier this week I wanted to reassure parents that schools remain open for vulnerable pupils and children of critical workers, as do special schools. I had really hoped we would have been able to keep schools open for all pupils. Having spoken to the Schools Minister yesterday evening, I know it was an incredibly difficult decision to make. As the parent of a child who should have been sitting her A-Levels this summer, I am deeply worried about the impact on our children.
However, I know from my conversations with local head teachers that schools do seem to be better placed for remote learning than they were at the start of the pandemic. It is critical that children continue to have contact with their school over the coming weeks, so I hope that will be the case. It has clearly not been an easy year for both teachers and pupils. We all have the best interests of children in mind; ensuring that they do not miss any more education than they already have is really important.
If you have any specific concerns, please do let me know. I will be monitoring the situation closely.