Vaccine rollout has been going really well across Oxfordshire. All older adult Care Homes have been offered vaccinations, and approximately 90 per cent of those aged 80 and over have now been vaccinated.
Good progress is being made for frontline health and social care staff. More than 45 per cent of those aged 70-79 have also been vaccinated.
In North Oxfordshire we have three GP-delivered sites:
- Bicester Heritage
- Grimsbury Community Centre
- Banbury Cross Health Centre
The Kassam Stadium in Oxford has recently opened as a mass vaccination centre.
At my fortnightly Covid briefing with local health officials I was really impressed to hear about efforts to engage with BAME and vulnerable groups and to promote confidence in the vaccination.
Further information about progress can be found on the Clinical Commissioning Group's website here. It is really important for people to wait to be invited for their vaccination and to remember to maintain Covid-secure behaviours - Hands, Face, Space - even when you have received your vaccination.