On Saturday I visited the Bicester Vaccination Centre at Bicester Heritage. The site is run by nurses and clinicians from the three Bicester GP practices: Alchester Medical Group, Bicester Health Centre and Montgomery House Surgery. 700 people were vaccinated during the morning I visited, with 1200 people vaccinated in the two days before that.
The Centre has the capacity for 12 people to receive their dose at the same time. It can be accessed easily by car and volunteers are on hand to help with parking. It is a very impressive, safe, and smooth operation. Rollout is well underway.
People aged 70 and over and those clinically extremely vulnerable to Covid-19 should be invited to get their vaccinations shortly. More information can be found on the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s website: https://www.oxfordshireccg.nhs.uk/.
I am so grateful to the brilliant volunteers, GPs, nurses and clinicians for their continued efforts in the fight against Coronavirus.